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s3cmd Upload to S3

To upload folders to an Amazon S3 bucket using s3cmd, you can follow these steps. s3cmd is a command-line tool for managing Amazon S3 and other cloud storage services. Make sure you have s3cmd installed and configured with your AWS credentials before proceeding.

Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Install s3cmd

    If s3cmd is not already installed on your system, you can typically install it using package managers like apt (for Debian/Ubuntu) or brew (for macOS). Here are some example commands:

    • Debian/Ubuntu:

      sudo apt-get update
      sudo apt-get install s3cmd
    • macOS (using Homebrew):

      brew install s3cmd

    Make sure to configure s3cmd with your AWS credentials after installation:

    s3cmd --configure

    Follow the prompts to enter your AWS Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, default region, and other configuration options.

  2. Upload a Folder to S3

    To upload a folder and its contents to an S3 bucket using s3cmd, use the sync command. Here’s the basic syntax:

    s3cmd sync /path/to/local/folder s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/s3
    • /path/to/local/folder: Replace this with the path to the local folder you want to upload.
    • s3://your-bucket-name/path/in/s3: Replace your-bucket-name with your actual S3 bucket name and specify the desired path within the bucket.

    For example, to upload a local folder named myfolder to an S3 bucket named my-bucket:

    s3cmd sync myfolder s3://my-bucket/

    This command recursively uploads all files and subdirectories within myfolder to the root of my-bucket in S3.

  3. Additional Options

    • Preserve Metadata: Use --preserve to preserve file metadata during synchronization.
    • Delete Removed Files: Add --delete-removed to delete objects in S3 that are not present locally.
    • Configure ACLs: Use --acl-public or --acl-private to set access control lists (ACLs) for uploaded files.

    Refer to the s3cmd documentation (man s3cmd or s3cmd --help) for more options and customization.


  • AWS Credentials: Ensure your AWS credentials (AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY) are correctly configured for s3cmd.
  • Permissions: Make sure the AWS credentials have sufficient permissions to upload files to the specified S3 bucket.
  • Security: Handle AWS credentials securely and consider using IAM roles with appropriate permissions instead of long-term access keys.

Using s3cmd, you can efficiently upload entire folders and their contents to Amazon S3, making it a convenient tool for managing cloud storage from the command line. Adjust commands and options based on your specific requirements and environment.