Recently Updated Pages
BookStack DB Adjustment for MySQL 8
Modify these following tables: cache ALTER TABLE `cache` ADD PRIMARY KEY(`key`); password_re...
Unzip .tar.gz File
To unzip .tar.gz files, you typically use the tar command-line utility, which can handle both tar...
s3cmd Exclude Folder When Upload
When using s3cmd to sync or upload files to an S3 bucket, you can exclude specific files or folde...
s3cmd Upload to S3
To upload folders to an Amazon S3 bucket using s3cmd, you can follow these steps. s3cmd is a comm...
s3cmd Configuration
Example of ~/.s3cfg Configuration [default] access_key = YOUR_ACCESS_KEY secret_key = YOUR_SECRET...
Zip Files and Folders
To compress an entire folder into a .zip file, you can use several methods depending on your oper...
Running a Web Server with PHP
If you want to run a PHP server directly without Docker, you can use PHP's built-in web server, w...
Git Pull & Merge from Forked Repository
Checkout From your project repository, check out a new branch and test the changes. git fetch -u ...
Backup Loki-Minio Data into AWS S3
Configure AWS Credential: aws configure Show list of configuration aws configure list Check Buc...
Calculate Size of a Folder
sudo du -h -d 1 /<path>
Enter a Container as Root
docker exec -u 0 -it <container_name_or_id> /bin/bash
Check SSL Certificate of a Domain with Port Number
openssl s_client -connect <domain>:<port>
Migrate Data from Oracle 12c to 18c XE
Docker Compose services: oracle-db-18c: image: gvenzl/oracle-xe:18.4.0-full ports: ...
Find Unidentified Web Service on a Server
If you're on a server console and need to update the SSL certificate but don't know which web ser...
Deleting Log Files inside other Pods Using CronJob
apiVersion: batch/v1 kind: CronJob metadata: name: delete-server-log namespace: <namespace> s...
Reverse Proxy with Nginx
To install and configure Nginx with HTTPS support (SSL/TLS) on your Linux server, follow these st...
Enable IPv6 on Ubuntu
Activating IPv6 on your system typically involves ensuring that your network infrastructure and c...
Configure SMTP Server using Google Service
It is possible to set up an SMTP email server with the domain that relays ema...
Setup Email Server
Simple Python Web Scraper
Creating a web scraper in Python involves using libraries like requests for fetching web pages an...